Life in organisations can be complicated and complex! Here's one viewpoint.
The diagram below is my most complicated one yet to capture some of life's challenges in organisations. This is for consumption by engineers and blatently breaks all the rules of good presentation by ignoring the benefits of "chunking." You can obtain a larger image by clicking on the jpg at the foot of the blog.
The blue blocks show how intangible assets are conceived and grouped, using the descriptions found in the value network approach. The intangibles are:
>>> Foreground intangible assets (Human competence, business relationships, internal structure)
>>> Background intangible assets (Corporate identity, social citizenship, environmental health)
Tangible Assets are show in red as facilities and trading, for want of better headings.
The horizontal brown bands represent interventions or concepts that interweave at four levels:
>>> Personal
>>> Interpersonal
>>> Organisational
>>> Societal
A recent book " Long-Range Futures Research - An application of complexity science" by a former colleague at Planning Research Corporation (PRC), Robert H. Samet, provides rich new insights on alternative ways in which to reconfigure these levels, as well as extending the horizon to 2150 with a tracing of an evolutionary trajectory to 2250.
The "Focus of Conversation" blocks are based upon a theoretical construct of aspects of knowledge devised by former colleague Verna Allee in her book"The Knowledge Evolution - Expanding organizational intelligence," itself based on the prior work of Karl-Eric Sveiby and Leif Edvinsson.
Usefully, these aspects can be directly linked to the time horizons of CEO's as they wrestle with the sometimes conflicting demands of short term action and longer term issues and worldviews. Although the brown topics above are not linked to the planning horizons, their significance seems eternal.
A question for Remuneration Committees: - How should a CEO's remuneration be linked to the Planning Horizons?
Dimensions of Organisational Existence.jpg