Great minds gave developed the organisation chart that can be seen on the attachment here.
A common reaction is: "God help us!"
Interestingly, He seems to take an even smaller role than the poor customers! You can see THEM tucked away in the bottom left hand side of the chart!
But, is this way of communicating and generating engagement with stakeholders really good enough? Value network techniques are now well known for discovering what really is happening in a system. They effortlessly lead to helping contributors negotiate win-win agreements between themselves, knowing the effect on the whole?
OK! It will take time and a subtle change in mind sets, but start small, with the customer centre stage and gradually add other key contributors. That way it is easy's the start...
Useful links::
Here is an encouraging approach to applying value networks in Singapore to a single hospital.
This is how to visualise, using value networks, how viagra was discovered.
Finally, here's another example in health care. Refer to York Hospital Business Case for Family Care
Above all keep it simple to start with: keep to the essentials and seek help in doing so.
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