Gary Hamel, in his book "The Future of Management" poses a direct challenge to all involved with management innovation - how to reinvent our management systems so they inspire human beings to bring all of their capabilities to work every day?
He suggests that human capabilities that contribute to success can be arranged in a hierarchy. At baseline bottom is the ability to take direction and to follow rules - obedience. Next is diligence, which is necessary for accountability. And so on, up to passion - the "secret source" that turns intent into accomplishment. Passion is contagious and "turns one-person crusades into mass movements."
"One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested," wrote E.M.Forster, the English novelist.
Ranking these capabilities in terms of relative contribution to value creation, where efficiency and discipline are taken for granted, Hamel suggests the following order…..
Read this as meaning that obedience, far from literally being worth nothing - a company without rules would soon descend into anarchy - in rule following employees is, nevertheless, "worth zip in terms of the competitive advantage they generate," says Hamel.
So, in terms of value creation, where do we find the capabilities carrying most weight being manifested? Are they most prevalent in the lean managed, six sigma'd, work flow and and highly rgulated processes, or in those irrepressible and splendid informal networks?
Usefully, in order to find out, the value network approach combines both informal networks and formal processes to provide that unique dynamic diagnostic tool for highlighting where organisations need to take remedial action for change, growth and success.
Value networks and analysis (VNA) reveals the hidden connections when inspired and impassioned people create outstanding results together!
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